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Improved accuracy of mass positioning and geolocation service users

UNION project description

The objective of the UNION project, coordinated by ROKUBUN and framed in the European call Receiver technologies for high-precision in mass-market de la European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), is to improve the precision of the users positioning services and massive geolocation (users of autonomous vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles and smartphones, among others), while trying to achieve new objectives of general interest in the field of positioning and navigation.


UNION is a new satellite positioning technology

Positioning by satellite

To achieve the objectives, UNION will be based on the use of existing permanent station infrastructures in the territory, such as the ICGC CatNet network, on the development of new calculation algorithms and on the integration of other positioning services and technologies, always bearing in mind the new possibilities and services offered by the European GNSS Galileo Constellation.


UNION is a new satellite positioning technology for accurate and real-time navigation on mass market devices.




UNION at a glance

  • Title: Undifferenced and UNcombIned PositiOning EngiNe. UNION.
  • Budget: 381.026,41 euros.
  • Financing: 266.718,49 euros (70% of the budget).
  • Start date: 01/03/2021.
  • End date: 28/02/2023.
  • Consortium: 2 spanish partners.
  • Coordination: ROKUBUN.
  • Web: www.union-navigation.eu.
  • Program: Project funded by European GNSS Agency.


Expected results

  • Technology to provide precise and real-time navigation to devices installed in vehicle, drones, or smartphones, among others.
  • Validation and demonstration of the technology in 2 relevant applications:
    • autonomous vehicle navigation.
    • location-based services (LBS) installed on smartphones.
  • Improvement of critical aspects, 3 fundamental aspects, in navigation on routes of hundreds of kilometers in: 
    • continuity.
    • precision.
    • availability.
Scheme showing the procedure for improving continuity, precision and availability on long vehicle routes

Improved continuity, precision and availability on long routes.

ICGC tasks


Funded by




This project has received funding from the European Union Agency for the Space Programme under grant agreement No GSA/GRANT/06/2019-UNION.

Video of the workshop online (06/02/2023) [1:32:02]

UNION Technology Workshop & Demonstration