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Geological map of Catalonia 1:250,000

The Geological map of Catalonia 1:250,000 (MG250m v3, 2021) aims to provide geological information of a synthetic nature, compiled into a single cartographic document, which provides an overview of the geological constitution of the territory. The distribution continues in SHP format of the 2nd edition, from the year 2002 and recently, in December 2021, it has been updated in its version 3 available in GeoPDF format.


SHP format

The ZIP file that is downloaded includes the following files:

  • mg250mv20sh0fl1.shp: Faults (lines).
  • mg250mv20sh0cl1.shp: Geologic contacts (lines).
    It contains the following fields:
    • CODI_CAS: Object type encoding.
    • DESCRIPCIO: Description of the object.
  • mg250mv20sh0gp1.shp: Geological units (polygons).
    It contains the following fields:
    • CODI_CAS: Object type encoding (Epigraph unit).
    • DESCRIPCIO: Description of the unit.
    • ClasLitoEd: Classification according to lithology and age.
    • ERA: Geological era.
    • PERIODE: Geological period.
    • EPOCA: Geological epoch.
    • EDAT: Geological age.
    • MET: Type of metamorphism.
    • PROTOLIT: Protolith of the metamorphic unit.
    • EDAT_MET: Geological age of metamorphism.
  • mg250mv20sh0ap1.shp: Anthropogenic deposits (polygons).
    It contains the following fields:
    • CODI_CAS: Object type encoding (Epigraph unit).
    • DESCRIPCIO: Description of the unit.
    • EDAT: Assignment age: Anthropocene.
  • mg250mv20_01ca.pdf: Specifications for the ESRI Shapefile (SHP).
  • mgc250mv20sh0_00ca.style: ESRI style library.
  • MG250mv20sh0_00ca.lyr: Layerfile file for loading the recommended visualization for data and symbolization.

The geodetic reference system of the distributed data is ETRS89 UTM31N.

Legend of the Geological Map of Catalonia 1: 250,000 [PDF, 3 MB; catalan; April 2022]

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This cartography is under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
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The geological map is the result of the synthesis of the available geological data at the time of its elaboration, the year 1988. The synthesis process, realized by the Geological Survey of Catalonia, consisted in the transcription of the cartographic information on the topographic base to scale 1:250,000 and in the construction of a legend that allowed to structure the geological information in different levels, correlating all those cartographic units equivalent, although they are geographically distant.

The MG250mv20 has been made from the analysis and transcription of more than 125 partial geological maps, between published and unpublished. The geological synthesis process has led to some modifications of the maps consulted. The cartographic information has been supplemented with data collected from more than 1,000 published and unpublished articles and research articles, with local or regional geographic scope and specific or general thematic objectives.

This version regarding previous distributions responds to a new model of distribution data and incorporates detected improvements of both attributes and geometries.

The geological information was made with reference to the cartographic base available at the time of the elaboration. In this way there may be divergences between the coastline of this geological information and the latest versions of cartographic bases of the ICGC.

The information in the Geological Map 1: 250,000 is organized into four groups of geological objects: faults, geological contacts, geological units and anthrogenic deposits.

Each grouping of geological objects, although the majority of cases correspond to bodies or surfaces in a 3D space, in distribution files (2D shapes) are represented according to the geometry associated with the shape (polygons, lines and points). Each geological object is characterized by a series of attributes.


The different typologies of faults (normal, reverse, movement in direction, etc.) and the thrusts, of macroscopic scale, are represented. The geological objects contained in this file are represented by lines that correspond to the intersection of the geological surfaces with the topography.

Geologic contacts

Two types of contacts are represented (undifferentiated and transitional). The geological objects contained in this file are represented by lines that correspond to the intersection of the geological surfaces with the topography.

Geologic units
These are three-dimensional bodies that correspond to volumes of rock characterized by lithology and geological age. Geological units are limited by different types of geological contacts, by faults, or by thrusts. Each lithological unit has its own distinctive unit epigraph. The abbreviations of the epigraph indicate, in most cases, the age and the main lithology of the unit. In the distribution file, the geological units are represented with polygons corresponding to the intersection of 3D geological bodies with the topographic surface.

Anthropogenic deposits
Port works are represented. They are represented as areas (polygons) that correspond to the intersection of the three-dimensional bodies of the deposits with the topographic surface.